Green Infrastructure

Addressing the Infrastructure and I&I Issues in Washington, North Carolina

Background InformationWashington, North Carolina is a small city of about 10,000 residents situated on the banks where the Tar and Pamlico Rivers meet. The city enjoys excellent access to the riverfront which has been developed into recreational open space with several docks, and is surrounded by marshland, or former marshland. […]

Manage Water in Brisbane, Australia

INTRODUCTION The focus city of this report is Brisbane, the capital city of Queensland State in north-east Australia, and the third most populous city in Australia with over 1 million residents. Brisbane is a water-smart and water-wise city that “manages water at all stages of the water cycle and is […]

Applying Green Infrastructure to Burlington NJ

By Justin Ritchey A Vulnerable Community Burlington New Jersey is a small and vulnerable coastal community. With the threat of rising sea level and increased flooding events, Burlington will have to seek for innovated solutions to protect its future and current residents. The city’s small tax base, lack of resources, […]

Hong Kong: Pursuing a Saltwater Portfolio

Home to a population of 7.49 million residents, Hong Kong is faced with the pressure to accommodate for increasing water demands amidst problems of freshwater scarcity. The interesting thing is, Hong Kong is not landlocked; it is located next to the China Sea, and has the proximity and access to […]